We all struggle sometimes.  We feel depressed.  We feel anxious.  We feel overwhelmed.  Life can often be really hard… and we don’t always know how to navigate through it the best way.  We aren’t alone in feeling like this.  According to a 2023 study, 21% of adults are experiencing at least one mental illness.  That’s approximately 50 million people.  55% of adults with mental illness have not received treatment.  Wow.  That’s a lot of people who are struggling and need some help but are trying to work through things on their own.  Maybe we should discuss what good mental health looks like and look at some common mental health diagnoses. Why not learn some tools to help us promote positive mental health and well-being in our own lives?  Let’s also look at the relationships in our lives to see if they are healthy or not and learn ways to build and maintain healthy relationships.  When we cultivate strong, positive relationships, we build a network of people to support us through those tough times.  Let’s not be afraid to discuss our struggles when we need help.

Join us in August for our Mental Health series that we are offering at the library.  Tonya Newton from Mental Health Awareness of Michiana will be here Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at 6:30 pm to talk about Understanding Mental Health and on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 6:30 pm to discuss Mental Health & Relationships.  Click on the above links to register or simply show up.  We care about our community, and you are a big part of it.  We are glad to be able to offer these impactful programs to you.