I absolutely love every single aspect of reading. The way you can escape into a complex world and get attached to characters just through words on paper. So, when I went into college, I always had the idea that I wanted to work with either books or writing my own stories. Although, I didn’t really have any experience in working with either. That’s why when I was looking for a job this summer, the internship at the New Carlisle Public Library seemed like the perfect fit.

Working at the library is not what I originally thought it would be, it is so much better. There are so many fun programs that the library puts on every summer that I have been lucky enough to assist with. My job has ranged from tie dying and making terrariums with teens, to helping elementary schoolers make pasta sauce. On other days I get the chance to learn the ins and outs of how a library runs.

As my break starts to come to an end and I start looking forward to starting my junior year of college, I am sad to see my summer internship come to a close. Although, I am glad that I have been able to use this time to gain the experience I’ve been granted. The internship here is an amazing opportunity for anyone wanting experience in the book world, loves to work with kids, and anyone looking for an all around great working environment.