Do you want to get out and meet new people? Make a difference in our community?  Why not invest your time and energy into something that matters at a place you already love:  Our local library – A place to increase literacy & expand your mind, learn new & fun skills, and meet & grow with others!   You can do this by joining the Friends of the Library.

Renew your Friends Membership today or become a new Friends of the Library member.

The Friends of the Library Mission is this:  To support the New Carlisle-Olive Township Public Library by volunteering our time and efforts to raise community awareness of the Library and its resources and by raising funds for programs and materials.

Who the Friends are:  Community volunteers who support the Library and its programs through funds raised from our semi-annual book sales, and ongoing book sales and spring daffodil sales.  

Some of the wonderful things the Friends have funded and helped with:

  • New toys for the children’s area
  • Summer Reading prizes and books for children and adults
  • Exploration Garden (sandbox, talking tubes, toys)
  • Native Plant Seed Library
  • Support and Maintenance of New Carlisle’s Little Free Libraries
  • Homemade Holiday weekend (crafts and snacks for children & adults)
  • Maintaining the ongoing book sale
  • Volunteer at various library programs and donate giveaways at programs

As you think about how you would like to be a part of the New Carlisle Friends of the Library, you can choose your level of participation, based on what fits your schedule:

  • Active: Attend meetings and events, as possible
    The Friends meet 1x/a month from January through May, August through November.  Each meeting starts at 6:00 pm EST and lasts approximately 1 hour, so the time commitment is minimal. Friends usually help with two semi-annual book sales.
  • Auxiliary: Especially interested in assisting at the Library programs that “need extra hands” to aid with the program, usually children’s or family programming. Library staff will ask the Friends for volunteers at meetings or via emails.
  • Benefactor: Unable to participate at the above levels but want to donate to the Friends.

ALL proceeds are given to benefit the Library.

Donations for the Friends of the Library can be made payable to:  FOTL and mailed to:

New Carlisle-Olive Township Library, 408 S. Bray Street, New Carlisle, IN  46552.

Membership Fees:

  • Individual – $10/year
  • Senior (55+) – $5/year
  • Student (16+) – $5/year
  • Lifetime member – $100

Click here and join today!  Or attend one of the monthly meetings to see what the Friends are all about (dates for the meetings are on the Library website’s calendar).  Make a difference at the library by becoming a Friend!