Music feeds our souls. We listen to music in the car on our way to work. We play our favorite tunes to get energized and inspired to clean the house. We select just the right songs to create the perfect ambiance for our holiday get-together. We love music…and all different kinds of music. Without music to enrich our lives, the world would seem flat and colorless.
Music provides us with a total brain workout. Listening to or making music increases blood flow to brain regions that generate and control emotions. When we turn on music, we reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and lessen pain. Music can improve our sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. It can actually make you happier, reduce depression, and, as a real added bonus, help you eat less! Music truly allows us to express ourselves and heal.
On Friday, December 15, at 2:00 pm EST, please join us at the library for a free concert with the South Bend Symphony To Go String Quintet. You can pre-register here to get a 3-day reminder or just come. Either way, take advantage of this opportunity to nourish your soul. This program is for all ages.