I’m not sure if it’s middle age, mental health, or the state of our world–probably a combination of all three and many more–but I have been struggling. Struggling to embrace life, struggling to find joy, struggling to feel peace.  I am one of those people who really like a Word of the Year and this year my word is tend.  I know I need to invest in myself during this season of life.  

As I thought about what the word tend meant, I knew I would need to be intentional about a plan.  It meant I would need to be willing to say no to others, which is hard for me, and really figure out things that would bring me joy and improve my quality of life.  So, I made a list. Not a bucket list; I hate that term. But an adventure list. 

In fact, I created a journal. Like I went out and bought a journal.  It is my “Let’s Have an Adventure!” journal. On the first page is a list of all the little things I want to do but haven’t.  Here are a few of the things on my list:

  • Teach my dog to walk on a leash.
  • Learn about trees.
  • Learn to crochet.
  • Talk walks.
  • Drink water.
  • READ!
  • Create a watercolor journal (I really like journals 🙂).
  • Eat paw paws (The Indiana banana-have you ever heard of it?!)
  • Pick fruit.
  • Pick flowers.
  • Watch movies ( I have absolutely no idea the last time I watched one.)
  • Mail cards to people I love.
  • Listen to live music.
  • Invest in friendships. 
  • Work on my Spanish.
  • Take the train to Chicago (Yeah, for the South Shore!)

There are many more things on my list, but you get the idea. The rest of my journal is a spot to collect pictures and mementos and memories.

This summer,  I hope you take time to tend to you!