If you are an avid book reader, like myself, you may have heard the term “BookTok” bounced around a few times. Whether it be through watching videos on TikTok or even recommendation displays at your local library or bookstore, the term can be found everywhere in the reading community. Readers have been able to form a tight knit community where they can talk about their favorite authors or books and give recommendations to others. I believe that this has impacted the reading community and has caught the attention of younger people and has enticed them to read more books.

The social media platform has impacted not only how we seek out books, but author’s careers can skyrocket by just posting one video promoting their book. One strong example of this is Shawn M. Warner, an author who’s life was changed for the better when a TikTok user posted a video of him promoting his debut novel, “Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor,” in a grocery store. The video got over 500 thousand views and helped him become a #1 Amazon Bestseller. The book even went as far as surpassing “Fourth Wing” on the bestseller list when that was heavily popular on TikTok at the time. Since then, he has been on talk shows and traveling around the US to do book signings and talk to readers. This just goes to show how authors can post videos promoting their book in order to bring attention to it.

BookTok has had a large impact on both authors and those who have gained an interest in reading more books. This interest drives readers to visit their local library more often in search of popular books they heard circulating around the internet at the time. They have been able to create a special community where they give others some pretty great recommendations and can even assist them in finding a new favorite book. Through a positive and welcoming environment, BookTok has inspired many young people to pick up books and start their own reading journey.