On Saturday, February 1, at 2:00 p.m. the Potawatomi Zoo is coming to the Library. During this 45-minute presentation, a conservation expert from Potawatomi Zoo will teach us fun facts about zoo animals, their habitats, and how to preserve their homes. Plus, you can encounter live animals from the zoo!

Do you and your kiddos love critters? Don’t miss this chance to learn about and experience an up-close look at these creatures! Until Saturday, check out these titles to explore more about zoology, your favorite animals, and conservation:

Armadillos by Kate Riggs, Frogs by Valerie Bodden,  Falcons by Kate Riggs, Beavers by Kate Riggs, and other books in the Amazing Animals series:

Iguanas by Chris Bowman

Lemurs by Josh Gregory

The Secret Life of the Sloth by Laurence Pringle

If You Take Away the Otter by Susannah Buhrman-Deever