As we get ready to enter into another new year,  I want to take a minute and reflect on what is our number one service to the community, our staff!  Have you ever had a question about how to find a book or download something from your phone? Have you needed to book a study room, or a recommendation for a movie to watch, or help with the copy machine? Or, have you just need a friendly face to talk about life with? Our staff is here to help! 

Some patrons think that they are bothering us when they need help. But, our number one job is to make your visit to the library what you need it to be, even if it’s just a friendly chat to brighten your day. Every day we come to work with the expectation that today we will help someone with something and if we go home even helping one person we have reached the goal. We work on our customer service skills all year by setting goals, attending staff in-service days, and encouraging each other. The next time you have a question or need some help, don’t hesitate to stop by one of our service desks and bother us!