New Carlisle Staff

About New Carlisle Staff

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So far New Carlisle Staff has created 305 blog entries.

The Story of Smokey: The Orphan Cub

One spring day in 1950, in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, an operator in one of the fire towers spotted smoke and called the location into the nearest ranger station. The first crew discovered a major wildfire sweeping along the ground between the trees, driven by a strong wind. Word spread rapidly, and more

The Story of Smokey: The Orphan Cub2024-10-15T20:29:33+00:00

Book Sale

The Friends of the Library love the library and want to be a part of helping us here as we serve this community.  They understand the value of our library to this community -  a place to learn and connect with others.  The Friends know that it takes community support for any library to thrive. 

Book Sale2024-10-15T20:03:10+00:00

Fall Reads

The temperatures are dropping, the leaves are falling and the wind is howling.  So, now is the time to grab a blanket, heat up your favorite pumpkin spice drink and settle in for an evening of savoring one of these great fall reads.

Fall Reads2024-09-29T19:15:52+00:00
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