
Family Gathering

Wow!  Hasn’t this year gone so fast?!  Here we are again preparing for the holiday season -   decorations, menus, gifts to buy or make, parties to attend, family members to invite to our upcoming celebrations.  It’s alway very busy, but full of opportunities to make good memories. Let’s be honest, occasionally, some not so

Family Gathering2024-10-23T16:37:57+00:00

The Story of Smokey: The Orphan Cub

One spring day in 1950, in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, an operator in one of the fire towers spotted smoke and called the location into the nearest ranger station. The first crew discovered a major wildfire sweeping along the ground between the trees, driven by a strong wind. Word spread rapidly, and more

The Story of Smokey: The Orphan Cub2024-10-15T20:29:33+00:00

Hometown Days 2024

Hometown Days is this weekend! Here's a look back at some photos of Sidewalk Days that started in the 1950s and eventually became Historical Days in 1973 and Hometown Days in 2000. Hometown Days is a volunteer 501c3 organization.  The committee works year-round, finding sponsors, hiring entertainment, planning the wiffleball tournament, and more.    Hometown

Hometown Days 20242024-07-25T14:52:32+00:00
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