Monthly Archives: October 2021

Celebrate Graphic Novels

Sometimes graphic novels get a bad rap.  Here are some reasons why they shouldn't! 1-Even though graphic novels have pictures and illustrations, they are FULL OF TEXT.   2-Graphic novels are great for RELUCTANT READERS.  Kids are really drawn to them and the combination of text and pictures supports comprehension. 3-Graphic novels are full of INTERESTING

Celebrate Graphic Novels2021-10-14T15:07:19+00:00

Library of Things: Oculus Quest! The Oculus Quest virtual reality headset is now available for checkout from our Library of Things! Take a tour of the Anne Frank House, surround yourself with a 360 degree video, escape to other worlds, and experience things you have never tried in VR. Come check it out or place it on hold

Library of Things: Oculus Quest!2021-10-11T22:13:41+00:00
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