
Afterschool Clubs

We are up to something new at the library!  During the school year, each Wednesday afternoon we will be having a kids’ club.  The Clubs are designed for students 2nd-5th grade and will start at 3:30. The first Wednesday of the month will be Pokemon Club. Join us on the first Wednesday of each month

Afterschool Clubs2024-10-23T16:26:42+00:00

Cooking with Children

We all know that learning doesn’t only happen in the classroom.  It can happen anywhere.  In the fall my family automatically starts to think about things we can make with apples and soup!  Cooking together incorporates so many valuable things.  Cooking “family” recipes builds tradition for children and tradition helps kids feel secure and security

Cooking with Children2024-09-29T18:55:35+00:00

Nutrition 101

We all have to make daily choices about what foods we put into our body - low fat, high fat, more vegetables, gluten-free, no carbs - and the list goes on and on.  We want to be healthy and take care of ourselves.  The foods we consume are important to our overall health and well-being. 

Nutrition 1012024-08-30T17:58:47+00:00
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