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Discover New Books2021-06-24T15:39:03+00:00

When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller

“Listen: This isn’t like any other tiger I’ve seen in a zoo.  It’s huge, as big as our car. The orange in its coat seems to glow, and the black is as dark as moonless night. This tiger belongs in one of Halmoni’s stories. I lean forward until the seat belt slices into my

When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller2021-06-24T15:51:17+00:00


Looking for a legal form, a magazine article, a Consumer Reports’ article on a new washing machine, or want to learn some Indiana history?  Look no further then INSPIRE. INSPIRE is a collection of databases and other information resources that can be accessed for free by Indiana residents.  You can access from INSPIRE’s website or by

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